Dear Mum
This wednesday on 5 april at our principal is going to be having a drop in cafe so please be there I really want you to attend because I want you to know what level I am at what I am doing how do I do it.
Also Our principal will be asking you some questions about me like how is his learning at home how is he doing and stuff like that.I know you are going to be disappointed when you hear about my score in e-asttle.In my maths I had gotten a 2P and I was so disappointed and embarrassed because I felt dumb.
The national standards for the year 7 and 8 are 4A some of us have achieved it and most of us well we have just been mucking around.
Can you please come and attend to this drop in cafe it will be fast the only person you have to talk to is the principal because he will have all the scores from the e-asttle maths , writing , reading , and more so can you please come to it.
From your son