
Thursday 13 April 2017

Goodbye Mrs Manu

Today one of our Teacher's called Mrs Manu had left our school. It was a special moment for her because  she got to say her goodbyes and got some gifts from all the classes in glen innes school.

We all wish her to have a safe journey and have a happy easter holiday.She was in tears because she seen how big we gotten and how good we've been we miss you very much and like I said have a good holiday with your Family Mr Manu.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

WALHT: Decorate a cupcake using an easter theme.

So today we done one of the most funnest challenges ever it was about decorating a cupcake.My was alright but the other's had done a really good job of making a easter egg some of them had a bunny in it and some had a bunny digging into the ground.

Friday 7 April 2017

Brochure Paragraph

My brochure is based of a creek called Omaru Creek the reason we are doing this is because it is dirty and we want to find out how to clean it up.

We have taken multiple look’s at the creek and found out that people don’t care about the environment that is around them because as you can see in the photo there is airsoft cans , buckets , paper and more.I think that our Community should be more careful about what they are doing because if they get caught then they will be in big trouble.Although even if we do clean the creek up I think that people are still going to throw rubbish into the creek.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Letter To parents

Dear Mum

This wednesday on 5 april at our principal is going to be having a drop in cafe so please be there I really want you to attend because I want you to know what level I am at what I am doing how do I do it.

Also Our principal will be asking you some questions about me like how is his learning at home how is he doing and stuff like that.I know you are going to be disappointed when you hear about my score in e-asttle.In my maths I had gotten a 2P and I was so disappointed and embarrassed because I felt dumb.

The national standards for the year 7 and 8 are 4A some of us have achieved it and most of us well we have just been mucking around.

Can you please come and attend to this drop in cafe it will be fast the only person you have to talk to is the principal because he will have all the scores from the e-asttle maths , writing , reading , and more so can you please come to it.

From your son